Membership Application/Renewal

Basic Contact Information

This information will be displayed in the Member Directory for All Members.
Voting Members: This information will also be displayed on the public-facing “Find a Teacher.”
First Name
Preferred first name for badges and other communication:
Middle Initial
Last Name
Suffix (e.g, Jr., Sr., III)
Degrees/Licensure/Certifications (e.g. MM, MFA, PhD., R-MPA)
Please note: M.AmSAT will automatically appear for every Voting Member as a benefit of your AmSAT membership.
Personal Pronouns
Website Address

Type of Application

Please let us know if you are (check one):
applying to AmSAT for the first time
Renewing your annual membership
Applying to rejoin after a gap

Primary Teaching Location Information

Voting Members: This information will be displayed on the public-facing “Find a Teacher” profile and in the Member Directory.
Non-Voting Members: This information will be displayed in the Member Directory.
Organization Name
Work Phone

Secondary Teaching Location Information

Voting Members: This information will be displayed on the public-facing “Find a Teacher” profile and in the Member Directory.
NOTE: you may have a third location added to your Find A Teacher profile; please call the office at 937.586.3732 if you want to include a third location.
Non-Voting Members: This information will be displayed in the Member Directory.
Organization Name
Work Phone

Home Information

Your home address and phone number are for AmSAT administrative work only. Information in this section will not be displayed in either your Find a Teacher Profile or the Member Directory (unless this is the same information you have listed as your Primary Teaching location). It is important that this Home address be kept up to date for mail.
Preferred Mobile Phone
Preferred Home Phone

Primary Address

Please indicate ONE address where you would like to receive mail from AmSAT:
PRIMARY TEACHING Address is preferred address
HOME Address is preferred address

Demographic Information

The following information is voluntary and is used exclusively by AmSAT to learn how we can best support our members. This information will not be displayed on your Find a Teacher Profile.
Date of Birth ?

Areas of Interest within your Alexander Technique Practice

This information is for internal use only, and will NOT be displayed on your Find a Teacher Profile. Select all that apply.
Note: hold down the 'control/command' key and click on the name to make your selection.

Where do you teach the Alexander Technique for pay?

Note: hold down the 'control/command' key and click on the name to make your selection.

Check this box if you ever teach pro bono

If you checked the box above, please describe

Volunteer Opportunities

AmSAT is a volunteer organization that is enriched by the ideas, enthusiasm, and collaboration of its members around the world. We need you! Please check any on this list below that interest you, and a member will reach out to tell you more.
Note: hold down the 'control/command' key and click on the name to make your selection.
Volunteer Committees

Mentorship Programs

What type of Mentorship are your interested in:

Benefits and Services

What Benefits/services do you most value in AmSAT?
Note: hold down the 'control/command' key and click on the name to make your selection.

Do you identify with AmSAT as your:

Primary Professional Organization
Secondary Professional Organization

Membership Types

Please review Membership Options and select your renewal membership level below:

Voting Membership

These membership types include: AmSAT-certified teachers who have graduated from an AmSAT course, or have completed the CRC process and live anywhere in the world, or ATAS-certified teachers who are living in the United States.
Early Career Teacher (1st/2nd/3rd year) - (based on certification date)

Other Teachers (More than three years after certification) Please choose one of the three following options:
Voting Member - Contributing
Members who are able to pay a higher rate in order to provide additional support to AmSAT and subsidize reduced dues
Voting Member - Standard
Members who pay the standard rate. Reduced by $20 in 2023
Voting Member - Reduced
AmSAT is aware that some members may be transitioning out of teaching full-time or facing temporary hardships. Reduced Dues are available for retired teachers, semi-retired teachers, teachers on hiatus, or experiencing financial hardships (formally Special Circumstances). We request that you return to Standard Membership when you are able.

Non-Voting Memberships

Non-Teaching Member
Must be AmSAT-Certified and not currently teaching the Alexander Technique for pay. May not use “M.AmSAT” and will not be listed on the public “Find a Teacher” directory.
Affiliated Society Teaching Member (Formerly International Member)
A member or eligible to be a member of an Affiliated Society and living outside the U.S.
Supporting Member
An AT student, a non-affiliated AT trainee, and/or supporter of the technique and of AmSAT. (NOT an Alexander Technique teacher, AmSAT or otherwise)
Trainee Member
All trainees are automatically given Non-Voting Membership for the period they are enrolled in an AmSAT training course.
$0 Dues Waived
Emeritus Member
Must be AmSAT certified, at least 70 years of age, have been a voting member of AmSAT for at least 20 years, and no longer teaches the Alexander Technique for pay. Click here to complete the Emeritus Eligibility Form
$0 Dues Waived
Select Membership Type:

Extra Dues

I would like to contribute an additional dues amount to provide support to AmSAT and subsidize reduced dues. The extra amount I would like to pay is:

The next screen will display your selection(s) and your payment options.
When paying by credit card, please allow 24 to 48 hours for your updated paid thru date to show in the member directory.
If you select the 'Pay by Check' option, an invoice will be sent via email with payment instructions. Your renewal will take place when the payment is received and processed.
This form collects name, email address, and other contact information so our support team can communicate and provide answer assistance.
I consent to have this contact information collected on this form.
Questions? Please email the office at:
   - denotes required fields